bNATP Night Monday Tuesday 5:30pm ~ 9:30pm 7/29 ~ 10/27

Current Status
Not Enrolled
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Price: Starting at $1650.00 You are not yet enrolled in this course.

Course Description

blended Nurse Assistant Training Program (bNATP) includes online classroom THEORY training Mon~Tues 5:30 PM ~ 9:30 PM; 61 hours, 17 days, approximately 8 to 9 wks, and CLINICAL training THU, FRI OR SAT, SUN 7AM ~3:30PM 12 ~ 15 wks

Course requirements: 

  • High School diploma/GED or higher education
  • At least 18 years old
  • Valid SSN Card
  • Valid ID
  • A functional personal laptop/computer with the following hardware/software requirements:
    • A functional webcam
    • A functional mic
    • Internet connection
    • Latest/updated Chrome Browser
    • A valid email account, gmail is preferred

Key concepts covered include:

  • Patient Care Skills/Procedures
  • Infection Control
  • Nutrition
  • Bedside Manner
  • Patient/resident rights
  • Body Mechanics
  • Vital Signs
  • Charting and Recording
  • Emergency Procedures

Technology hardware requirements:

  • Laptop or Desktop with WiFi Access
  • Working webcam, microphone and speaker
Technology software requirements:
  • Operating System: Windows 10+, macOS Sierra +
  • Applications/Software needed:
    • Google Chrome
    • Google Meet
    • Google Calendar
    • Google Drive
    • Google Mail
Requirements for passing the training program:
  • Theory hours 61 Hours completed in 17 days with each of its sub-contents
  • All modules (1 ~ 17) passing with 75% or above
  • Final exam passing with 75% or above
  • Clinical hours 104 Hours completed
Training program fees:
  • $1650.00 + Tutoring Fees + Required outside Fees
  • Total fees incurred in a program can be upto $2800.00 depending on the tutoring services requested
  • Outside Fees include:
    • Medical Examination with TB screening
    • Live Scan Finger Printing
    • CPR
    • State Compentency Examination Fees
Your coursework will include the following:
  • 61 hours of online lecture (17 days of online course materials, reading materials)
  • 17 modules quizzes
  • 104 hours of on-site clinical training
  • 1 Final exam
Course deadlines:
  • Each day of online course material must be completed within one week of lecture (including module quizzes)
  • Final exam must be completed within the designated day of the final
Training program Info:
  • bNATP Night class is a 13 ~ 14 week training program program
  • Our clinical site will be location in the city of Covina, the address will be disclosed upon enrollment


  1. Register for a Free Google Account (You can use it for Gmail, Google Classroom,  Google Meet, etc.)
  2. Join our Google Classroom for the latest news, requirements and updates on your bNATP!
  3. Accept each Google Meet live lecture invitations
  4. Join the live lectures as scheduled
  5. Complete all topics within each lesson
  6. Successfully pass each lesson's module test (if available)
  7. Remember if you've missed a live lecture, you can always make it up for free with our bNATP Make-up Course. (More information is available in the FAQ section)


  1. Get in touch with our admission staff for your admission consultation
  2. Registration
  3. 61-Hour Online Theory learning (Lifetime access)
  4. Get ready for On-site Clinical training (TB-Clearance, BLS/CPR, Liability Insurance, Theory Completion, Live Scan Fingerprint)
  5. 104-Hour On-site Clinical training
  6. American Red Cross CNA Competency Exam Preparation
  7. Take the California CNA Competency Exam (with ARC)
  8. Give us a call for any job placement assistance! (Life time access)







*Don't worry, we will help and guide you through the application processes; make sure you keep checking your email inboxes, we will send notifications out and communicate with you from: [email protected]


  • What if you missed a live lecture:
    • You are required to finish all of your assigned online lecture meeting hours.
    • Luckily, all live meeting lectures are posted in the bNATP Make-up Class course (for the duration of your bNATP course); they usually arrive a week after the original online lecture date.
    • This means that your make-up online lecture will not be interactive. But you can always email us for any questions:
    • To make-up your missed lecture, do the following:
      1. Go to the bNATP Make-up Class course, and to the specific lesson missed.
      2. Completely finish the lecture video and create a screenshot
      3. Save the screenshot, and email it as an attachment, along with your first and last name, and date of missed lecture to: [email protected]
    • NOTE: you are not allowed to graduate, or take the state competency exam, until all of your scheduled training hours are complete.
    • NOTE: you are not allowed to enter your clinical training until you complete the  minimum of 16  hours in the following:
      • Communication and interpersonal skills
      •  Infection control
      •  Safety/emergency procedures, including the Heimlich maneuver
      • Promoting residents' independence
      •  Respecting residents' rights
  • What if you had trouble with your lesson contents, and or your module test:
    •  Oh no, you are stuck at a particular lesson, and you are not allowed to advance to the next one; this is supposed to happen, we need to build your foundation, step by step.
    • You can always try again:
      • Make sure you study the module terminology posted in each lesson.
      • Make sure you fully grasp the concepts outlined by the objectives of each Lesson Topic.
    • Make sure you are still attending the lesson meetings as scheduled; you are required to finish all course contents including the required  meeting hours (if you don't want keep watching reruns!).
  • Some of the Lesson Topics have repeating objectives:
    • This is because some of the objectives are overlapping in some topics within a lesson. Make sure you either take note of it, or just re-read the necessary sections again to further solidify your understanding.
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